Thursday, July 23, 2009

My First Award... Yay!

After being up all night with a teething 9-month old and feeling beyond exhausted, I dragged myself into work this morning. Before getting into the actual "work stuff", I logged on here and found out some exciting news... I have received a ‘lovely’ blog award! While my blog is still very new and I am working to build it out, through the process I have found some truly inspiring blogs from other moms out there. The connections are wonderful! The 'lovely' award was given to me by Heather, from Theta Mom. Stop by her blog, she always has something great to say!

The rules of the “One Lovely Blog Award” are:
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
So here are my 15 newly discovered 'lovely' blogs…
Heather, thanks again for giving me this award! Thanks also to all the other mommy bloggers out there. I look forward to connecting with and learning from all you fabulous women!


Madison {Life Happens During Naptime} said...

Well, shucks, you're making me blush now =) Thank you for this award! Now I must scour the internet for some Lovely Blogs to crown.

Nicole @ Chic and Cheap Nursery said...

Thank you do much Alexandra! I am so excited!
I have been blogging for a little less than 2 months and I am as giddy as a school girl to receive this award!

Kristin said...

Thank you Alexandra for the lovely blog award. I will be trying to post it later today. What a great way to start my day!!

Sheilacakes said...

Thanks so much! You are so sweet! It gives me warm fuzzies inside. I will be posting it and my list later today. I am following you now. I can't wait to get to know you.

Mrs. G.I. Joe said...

Thank you so much for the award! Its my first too :)

And your blog is lovely!

KimmyD said...

Thanks Alexandria! I think you have a lovely blog too!! Good Luck with the teething. Did you try a really cold wet washcloth for him to knaw on? It worked like a charm for me. :-)

Katy Montgomery said...

Cute blog! Great pic of you! Your little one is presh! Stopping in from SITS!

KimmyD said...

I'd love to get my award on my blog but I don't know how. I don't see a code anywhere. :-(

KayceeT said...

I just found your blog today. Congrats on the award. I just began my own blog and am out looking at others ones to kinda get a feel for the "blog world"
I saw that you're a fairly new blogger too, so thanks for the inspiration!

Margaret said...

Thanks for the award:)

Theta Mom said...

Yay girl! I'm glad to see the great response. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for all of your kind words about my blog. I am really glad you enjoy it. I am so thrilled to hear from everyone who is inspired to sew stuff now! I truley am humbled!