Tuesday, August 25, 2009

he's taking over

Before I got pregnant and we made the stereotypical move to the suburbs, we had a great house in the city. Philadelphia to be exact. We loved city life and took full advantage of all that it offers… great restaurants, bars, culture, shopping, on so on. We rarely used our cars and loved being able to walk or catch cabs nearly everywhere we needed to go. Our house was very typical for “young professionals”… hip furniture and all. The hubby and I both love decorating, and we took great pride in making everything “just so”. We both hate clutter and, for the most part, kept the house quite tidy.

The move to the suburbs afforded us about 2x’s the house, meaning 2x’s the decorating. Having moved in about 6 months before our little guy came along, we went to town with furnishing and decorating the house. We of course set up his nursery, but the rest of the house we foolishly furnished to our tastes and needs. We have both a formal living room and a family room. To my husband’s dismay, I declared no TV in the living room. However, I gave him free reign of the family room. His flat screen was quickly set up, with all of the necessary surround-sound components. He brought our great “hip” sectional from the Philly house and added a very cool arm chair. He was thrilled with the results. Knowing that baby would be coming soon, and that we would likely be spending a good deal of time in the family room during the first few weeks/months, we left a little space at one end of the room for a pack n’ play and swing.

After he was born, the baby “things” began to multiply… pack n’ play and swing turned into pack n’ play, swing, bouncer, diaper genie, hamper, exersaucer, bumbo, activity mat, toys and so on. As the months have passed, the “things” continue to multiply. Some items (that he has outgrown) have been rotated out, but they have just been replaced by more and BIGGER. The little space we had set aside at the end of the room has turned into an all out playroom, and this playroom is rapidly taking over my husband’s beloved TV room. So I have been forced to give in and reconsider my “no TV in the living room” rule. What was once our TV room now clearly belongs to our little guy and the flat screen is moving out into my formal living room.

As my husband measured wall space and played around with different furniture arrangements in the living room on Sunday, I looked around the house… books, games, push carts and toys were everywhere. Our decor could certainly no longer be described as “hip young professionals.” No, the house now loudly screams “family”… and I would not want it any other way.


Vodka Logic said...

And those toys do get smaller as they get older, but more expensive. Ipods, cell phones and video games etc.... My home hasnt had a decor for years.

Great blog


Theta Mom said...

We went through the exact same thing. Although we didn't live in an awesome city like Philly, our first place was a great condo that we had decorated perfectly. Then we bought our first house and ended up moving again because the baby stuff took over. My house has never been the same either! :)

Nancy@ifevolutionworks.com said...

I decorated like fiend before my son was born. Entertained all the time too. House was always picture perfect (with little effort)

Now...zweibeck stains on sofas and toys all over.


Unknown said...

I know what you mean about moving to the burbs. before our son we lived in the downtown area of our city but when we found out we were pregnant we bought a house in the burbs. Our lives have never been the same. We did get much more house for less money which was great.

thais said...

love your post :) I also feel like my house is a big baby room with my little girl's things EVERYWHERE!! no matter how hard I try everyday is clean up day :)
just became your follower, come and visit me too: loveandolive.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

My husband and I lived in Center City and I often look at my house now and wonder what it would've looked like if we stayed in Philly. Who am I kidding? It NEVER would've survived. But I still get nostalgic for my row house on Naudain from time to time...

Clueless_Mama said...

When we first had our son we lived in a 794 sq ft. townhome with me, my husband, our son and 3 dogs. Talk about crowded! You are so right. The toys and baby stuff just took over. Thank goodness we now have a house!
To your comment on my blog...Get DVR you will never watch tv any other way.

The Grown-Up Child said...

It is amazing how the baby stuff begins to rule. I have a four year old and an eleven month old and I would swear if I didn't actually live here, that the house belonged to them. Toys, gear, stuff, puzzles, craft stuff, AAAHHHH!

I just keep telling myself it will all go away and they'll be contained in their rooms in about fifteen years or so. ;)

Xenia said...

This describes my house perfectly. We had a somewhat nicely-decorated house with a sitting room with fireplace that started off with the pack n' play and a toy or two. Then another was added... and another... and slowly the coffee table was removed and then the shelves and then the couch... Now, with two kids, it completely a play room and covered in toys. And those toys seep out into the rest of the house and are EVERYWHERE. But what can you do? It's more fun that way.

P.S. Come by my blog, I gave you an award!

Sonya said...

Kids just change everything, that's for sure. My children are grown but I am now raising my 3 year old grandson so I've once again gone from "shabby chic" to "toddler chic". But I agree with you, I wouldn't have it any other way. The time goes by so fast as it is, we can't spend it worrying about what our house looks like.

Stopping by to visit from MBC and following your lovely blog.

Carma Sez said...

ahhhhh yes. I've gone from minimalist to kid clutter and now that my son is a teen, I'm slowly working the place back to spacious and uncluttered!

Welcome to SITS. We're glad you're on board!

Penelope said...

Welcome to SITS...mine is on his way, due in a couple of months...yours is so cute!

Just Lisa said...

I feel the same way! My house is a obstacle course of toys... and I love it!

I came by to welcome you to SITS! We're happy to have you with us!

Nicole @ Chic and Cheap Nursery said...

Ah yes! I remember, I too once had a nicely decorated apartment in a great are in NYC. Then baby came along with all her stuff and we either had to rent a second apartment in our building so that we could move out and let her keep our apartment or... move to a nice "family" neighborhood in queens.

since i was too concerned with night-long milk drinking parties i was sure she would host for all the other babies on the block, we had no choice but to pack up and move.

the only thing I have left now is my bedroom, sort of :) although it is great to role over in the middle of the night and find a pacifier shoved in places where a pacifer should not be because it reminds me that i have a beautiful, healthy, happy baby sleeping in the room next door and she is all mine!


All that decor upheaval is indeed worth it. :O)

p.s. Welcome to the SITS community!

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by from SITS! Great Blog! Sweet post!
Happy Wednesday!
Come over and check out my 5 DAYS of GIVE-A-WAYS!

MamaOtwins+1 said...

We've given up on formal anythting in our house until the boys are all at least 10. Or until they quit using the couches as trampolines.

Stopping by from Sits

Becky @ Babes in Hairland said...

I think every parent goes through this! It's hard trying to make all their stuff fit - regardless of how much room you have! Good luck w/all that! Just stopping by from SITS to welcome you aboard. HAve a great day.

Theta Mom said...

I know you haven't been around, but I wanted to let you know I've given you an award! :)

Jen said...

I so know what you mean. My house has totally been taken over by my kids and all their stuff. Someday I hope to reclaim it, either that or move to a new 'no kids allowed' house.
;) kidding.

Stopped by from SITS to say hello and welcome.

Saving Moms Money - Melissa said...

I found your blog on the mom bloggers club! Yes our house is very much the same as yours. The baby items take up the whole house. Anyways, I am now following your blog!


Anonymous said...

Before we had kids, our house was perfectly organized, always clean with everything in its place. We have a formal dining room and living room - well we did anyway. All of that has been set aside to make room for the massive amounts of toys and paraphernalia that comes with having little people. I love it too - except when I step on Lego with bare feet. Then, not so much.

Maria @BOREDmommy