Thursday, July 30, 2009

the greatest blessing

Last night was a long night with our little guy. He has a third tooth coming in up top and the pain has made him quite miserable. He awoke at 3am and wanted to be held and cuddled. Finally after about two hours of holding him, he fell back asleep. As I sat with him for those two hours in the rocker in his nursery, with the dim light from his nightlight barely illuminating the room, I found myself welling up. The tears were not those of frustration or exhaustion, but rather those of pure joy. With him snuggled closely into me, I reflected on what a true blessing he is in my life and the magnitude of the love that I feel for him. Before becoming a mom myself, I never fully understood the depths to which a mother’s love for her child goes. It is a feeling unlike any other. Our children are our greatest blessing and gift from God. As you hold your little ones close, cherish all that they are and all that they have brought into your life. Make the hug last a little longer and enjoy the quiet closeness.


KayceeT said...

There's something about seeing your child sleeping that makes the heart swell. I can totally relate!

Margaret said...

I can relate:) the nights when Riley is up teething I do the same thing. It is such a blessing, and those moments are so special. I miss the sleep but I know later on I'll miss our midnight snuggle time even more

Mandee said...

Awww...I love just sitting and holding my guys close to me too! Have you tried the Orajel swabs? We love them! Our little guy is working on his 1 year molars and they seem to take forever!!! I'm following you from MBC! :)