Thursday, July 9, 2009

where did you come from?

As Andrew nears 9-months, I sometimes looks at him and wonder... "Kid, where did you come from?". Everyone always said the time would fly and that the months and years would pass before I knew it... but I never fully realized how true it is. Seemingly overnight, Andrew went from my little little one, to a crawling, laughing, babbling almost toddler. Each "stage" has been amazing, but this one now is increbily fun... and exhausting. Andrew is so full of life and personaility that barely a minute passes without him making me laugh.

1 comment:

Theta Mom said...

I know exactly what you are talking about. My daughter is nine months and it feels as though I had her yesterday! My son is almost 4, so people were totally right when they told me the time would go by so fast. We just have to live in the moment with them!